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We are starting Daily Live

What is Daily Virtual Coworking?

Daily virtual coworking involves setting aside a specific time each day to work alongside others in a virtual space. These sessions are typically short, lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and are designed to help participants stay focused, motivated, and connected with others.

The Benefits of Daily Virtual Coworking

  1. Increased Accountability: Working alongside others, even virtually, can provide strong motivation to stay on task and avoid distractions.
  2. Improved Structure: Regular daily sessions help create a routine, which is crucial for maintaining productivity, especially for those working remotely or independently.
  3. Reduced Isolation: Virtual coworking sessions provide an opportunity to connect with others, combating the loneliness that often comes with independent or remote work.
  4. Enhanced Productivity: The focused nature of these sessions can lead to increased output and efficiency.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Virtual coworking can be a chance to meet and collaborate with professionals from various fields and backgrounds.

How Our Daily Virtual Coworking Works

  1. Platform: We use coworking.live for our virtual coworking sessions.
  2. Schedule: Our sessions take place daily at 4 PM CEST. Consistency helps in forming a productive habit.
  3. Session Structure:
    • We begin with a brief check-in where participants can share their goals for the session.
    • The main portion is dedicated to focused, silent work time.
    • We end with a quick recap where anyone can share their accomplishments if they wish and a bit of networking.
  4. Open to All: Our virtual coworking sessions are open to anyone who wants to boost their productivity and work alongside others in a virtual environment.

How to Join

Just download the chrome extension and search for the daily link for the meetup here.

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